I’m not sure about you guys, but around here it seems as though fall/winter smacked us in the head with a 2×4 the day after Labour Day. Brrr. Time for knit sweaters, hot chocolate and lots of yummy, scented candles.
Dig InSeptember 12, 2013
I’m not sure about you guys, but around here it seems as though fall/winter smacked us in the head with a 2×4 the day after Labour Day. Brrr. Time for knit sweaters, hot chocolate and lots of yummy, scented candles.
Dig InSeptember 5, 2013
If you haven’t come across the phrase “Project 52”, it’s likely that you aren’t a photographer, don’t follow photographers, or know of this phrase in an entirely different context. Official Project 52 details can be found here, but a number of off-shoots (no pun intended) have since spawned, many in individually specific fields such as wedding, lifestyle, boudoir and pet photography. A number of the photographers I follow participate in these projects as a team, many as part of a blog hop. Not only is it a great way to expand one’s creativity by forcing the individual outside of their comfort zone but it provides a breath of fresh air for many long-time followers as well.
Dig InSeptember 4, 2013
We are monthly Barkbox subscribers and a couple of months ago we received a smoky shin bone from Barkworthies in our monthly box. This isn’t our first Barkworthies product – we’ve actually received several different treats in our boxes over the past year or so, including the smoky shin, a pipe bone (stuffed), a twisted pretzel, and their famous “bully sticks” (beef pizzles). If you’ve owned a bulldog, you know bullies go crazy for this stuff and Chance is no exception.
Dig InAugust 21, 2013
Last year my humans took a little trip to Costa Rica…and I took a little trip to visit my first furever home! My second (third?) mom, Kathy, did a fantastic job of looking after me and I got to show a new puppy da ropes! Here’s my cousin, Mr. Higgins, being sweet and awesome. (The humans were more excited to see him than me…) *grump grump*
Dig InAugust 19, 2013
Some very exciting things are happening around here and I thought I should drop a quick note to let you all know!
Dig InJune 17, 2013
What better way to celebrate Father’s Day than with an afternoon playing at the lake?
One of my favourite things to do in the summer is to cool myself in the shallows of our local lake, Lake Ontario. It’s still a little chilly this time of year so I don’t sit in the water but it’s a great way to cool off after a hot day (or a game of tug). Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day in Toronto. The water was calm, the sky was blue and the beach was so clean! (Lady human was sure to pick up whatever garbage was left on the shore…because that’s just the responsible thing to do.)
Dig InJune 13, 2013
June 3, 2013
This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending Henry’s bi-annual “Photo and Video Imaging Expo” at the International Centre in Mississauga. Open to the general public and for enthusiasts and professionals alike, it’s more or less a glorified marketing expo that gives people a chance to get their hands on new gear, watch a few workshop introductions and enjoy some sales. This year we took in a few tutorial workshops on Photoshop Lightroom and flash photography. My primary reason for attending, however, was to have an opportunity to photograph some animals I don’t often get an opportunity to capture. In particular, parrots, lemurs, and a lion cub.
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