A Neighborhood Tour

If you’ve ever wondered where I live, I’m here to give you a brief jaunt around my neighborhood. Someday I’m going to have to show you our local butcher… (Om nom nom nom!)

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Woofstock 2012

The humans have been going to Woofstock ever since it began. It’s exactly what it sounds like; a festival for dogs, supposedly the largest one in North America.

At first they went because they loved dogs. The lady human, in particular, has an affinity for all things furry, so Woofstock was always the highlight of her year. After a few years, she started using Woofstock as research (not just ogling).

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The first Christmas

Celebrating Christmas, doggy style!

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Slip-sliding away!

Gearing up for agility!

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Just call me… Chance-dini!

A little magic for your entertainment…

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Chance Comes Home

The first few steps into the condo were scary… but totally worth the drive! Time to kick my feet up!

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My people said that it’s important for me to get used to everything. Since I might be a show dog that means looking handsome for the judges!  Today my people gave me my firstbath. I am not sure whether I liked it but I smell great now and my lady gave me extra cuddles.  (Of course, she was laughing pretty hard through the whole thing and only managed a cell phone pic.)

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Da First Car Ride

Last night I took my first long trip in a car to my new forever home! It was a 2.5 hour long trip, though my lady thinks the drive up went much faster than the drive back.

Along the way home I was a very good boy. I didn’t sleep much but I took in all the sights from my lady’s lap. I tried chewing on her hair, too, but Lady doesn’t like that too much.

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